Category Archives: international trade

Deal-maker Trump Can’t Deal

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(August 27, 2017) — Donald Trump has threatened new trade barriers against China while simultaneously depending on Beijing’s help to rein in North Korea’s alarming nuclear weapons program.   These two aspects of US policy toward China are at odds.

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Year-End Perspectives on the US & Global Economies

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(Dec. 20, 2016) A year-end summing up of where we stand is harder than usual this time!

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Brexit, Trump, and Workers Left Behind

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(July 19, 2016) Observers have pointed out many parallels between the June referendum on Brexit in the United Kingdom and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in the US.  One parallel is that both the British movement to leave the EU and the Trump campaign for the American Republican nomination achieved success that few had expected, particularly not the various elites.  In both cases, the general interpretation is that the elites underestimated the anger of working class voters who feel they have been left behind by economic forces in a fast-changing world, and in particular by globalization. read more

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