Category Archives: Obama Administration

Clinton Economics vs. Trump Economics

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Nov. 4, 2016- [These two pages were written for an OMFIF report released Oct. 28.  They draw on some of my preceding columns.]

If one judges by the two candidates’ economic policy stances, the 2016 US presidential campaign is not quite as much of a departure from the past as it otherwise appears.  

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Trump Jr.’s Pants-on-Fire Allegation of Manipulated Jobs Numbers

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(Aug. 5, 2016) When asked July 24 about US unemployment numbers, which have fallen steadily since 2010, Donald Trump Jr., replied “These are artificial numbers. These are numbers that are massaged to make the existing economy look good, to make this administration look good when, in fact, it’s a total disaster.”  His father has made similar statements.

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The Threat to US Global Leadership

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(April 15, 2016)  President Barack Obama has had a remarkable series of foreign policy triumphs over the last 12 months.  One of the lesser-known was the passage of legislation for reform of the IMF on December 18, 2015, after five years of obstruction by the US Congress.

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