Tag Archives: Blanchard

The End of Zero Interest Rates?

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August 14, 2023 — What a difference a year makes!  In 2021, interest rates were close to zero in the US and the UK,  and slightly negative in the eurozone and Japan.  They were expected to remain low indefinitely.  Remarkably, as recently as January 2022, investors thought that the probability the interest rate would rise above 4.0 % within 5 years was only 12% in the US, 4 % for the euro-zone, and 7 % for the UK [p.45].  Those were short-term nominal interest rates.  Correcting for expected inflation, real interest rates were substantially negative and expected to remain so. read more

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Reserves and Other Early Warning Indicators Predict Crises After All

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With aftershocks of the recent global financial earthquake still being felt in some parts of the world, it would be useful to have a set of Early Warning Indicators to tell us what countries are most vulnerable.    Nobody should be surprised that it is hard to forecast crises with high reliability;    low-risk opportunities for profits are never easy to find.   Thus it is especially hard to predict the timing of a crisis.  Some economists, however, are skeptical that Early Warning Indicators (EWIs) have any useful predictive ability at all.  A common assessment is that EWIs have failed, in the sense that in each historical round of emerging market crises (1982, 1994-2001, 2008) those particular variables that appeared statistically significant in that round did not perform well in the subsequent round.   This is not the right conclusion. read more

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