Category Archives: international cooperation

The Threat to US Global Leadership

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(April 15, 2016)  President Barack Obama has had a remarkable series of foreign policy triumphs over the last 12 months.  One of the lesser-known was the passage of legislation for reform of the IMF on December 18, 2015, after five years of obstruction by the US Congress.

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The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, C’est Bon

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(12/22/2015) How should one evaluate the agreement reached in Paris December 12 by the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)? 

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Games Countries Play

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(11/28/2015) Calls for International coordination of macroeconomic policy are back, after a 30-year hiatus. To some it looks anomalous that the Fed is about to raise interest rates at a time when most major central banks see a need to extend further monetary stimulus.

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