Tag Archives: IMF

Gopinath follows Obstfeld at the IMF, in a great tradition

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Dec. 10, 2018 — Maury Obstfeld this month completes his exemplary term as Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund. His departing economic outlook foresees slowing growth in the world economy in 2019 and 2020.

Gita Gopinath, my Harvard colleague, will take up the position in the new year. 

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The Threat to US Global Leadership

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(April 15, 2016)  President Barack Obama has had a remarkable series of foreign policy triumphs over the last 12 months.  One of the lesser-known was the passage of legislation for reform of the IMF on December 18, 2015, after five years of obstruction by the US Congress.

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Asia Games: Not Zero-Sum

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(4/28/2015)  Two hostesses are rivals in a popularity contest throughout the social season. When they hold soirees on the same night invitees must choose which one to go to. The hostesses guard their social ranking jealously, and may even punish a guest who goes to the rival’s party by withholding an invitation next time.

To read about the roles of China and the US over the last month, one would think that Asia/Pacific relations are a zero-sum game like that of these two hostesses in some fictional time and place.  read more

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